Letter to the Editor by Nicole Smith, Candidate for Let’s Get It Right
Southern Highlands Express
The Battle for Berrima is won!
I’m sure I could hear the cheers of the community ring out from their homes across the highlands on Tuesday when it was announced that the Independent Planning Commission had refused development consent for Hume Coal.
What a great outcome for our community in what was truly a David and Goliath battle. After ten long years, the Battle for Berrima was won! There will be no coal mine in the highlands.
It’s a stunning example of the power and passion of our community. It makes me proud to call the highlands home.
To all the wonderful, supportive, passionate locals (including Lynn Watson, a fellow candidate on the LET’S GET IT RIGHT ticket), who played their part, both large and small, over the many years of the campaign I’d like to say thank you. Thank you on behalf of our community. Thank for the generations of highlanders to come.
Nicole Smith, Candidate, LET’S GET IT RIGHT