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Positive Leadership

Let’s vote for elected leaders, Councillors, we can be proud of:

  • competent and respectful, leadership that residents can be proud of
  • extensive small business and community organisation experience
  • common sense, facts and evidence based, informed decision-making

It is essential that residents Wingecarribee Local Government Area elect, at the 2024 election, competent, appropriately experienced, and skilled, leaders who can conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner, and act in the best interests of the community. The LET’S GET IT RIGHT team, led by Nicole Smith, will field a ticket of candidates that represent a combination of community-minded individuals with a successful track record of delivering positive leadership in small business and organisations serving the community. You can trust these people to look at facts and evidence before making informed decisions. Most importantly our candidates are respectful communicators who understand the importance of listening and teamwork.

Community Vision

Let’s vote for putting the future of the Shire in safe hands, preserving the character of the Shire and maintaining a sense of community:

  • committed to actively listening to the needs of community groups
  • preserve Shire character, the green between townships and villages
  • support upgrading and maintaining sports and community facilities

Council has a critical role through planning to preserve the character of the Shire. The community, residents and businesses, are very clear about wanting to ‘preserve the green between’ townships and villages. One practical solution is to maintain the proud history of working farms by supporting farmers to easily diversify into agritourism which helps build resilience against drought and bushfires. If a farmer decides to sell their farm the battle is lost. Council cannot control the process from that point. A developer may purchase farmland and secure state government approval for a residential development. Preserving the green between requires urgent proactive action and strategic planning. Residents, families, youth and adults, all deserve quality of life outcomes such as fit for purpose sports, recreational and community facilities. The LET’S GET IT RIGHT team, led by Nicole Smith, is committed to actively listening to the needs of community groups and supporting a program of upgrading and maintaining sports and community facilities.

Smart Shire

Let’s vote for an economic development approach that is relevant to a post disruption economy:

  • proactively encourage innovation, sustainability, and resilience
  • foster a smart ecosystem that creates skills and jobs of the future
  • manage population growth with medium density close to services

 It is critical for the local economy that Council has a vision and a plan for the Southern Highlands to maintain a competitive advantage into the future. Leaders need to ensure that it not only remains a great place to live but also a great place to work. What education and skills training are we offering the youth of today so that they are equipped to be gainfully employed in the jobs of the future? Managing population growth and preserving the character of the Shire requires common sense and practical solutions including internationally recognised best practice sustainability – allowing medium density mixed use development, and affordable housing, close to services. The LET’S GET IT RIGHT team, led by Nicole Smith, is committed to the vision of a Smart Shire, enabling opportunity and prosperity for the community to thrive.